G'day, welcome to my cottage by the sea, in a bustly little seaside town in Australia. We found our doer-upper cottage in a very sad state in Dec 07, take a look at the Before Pics to see what a state it was in!
We are a bicycle ride from the beach so there's much sandy feet and wet bathers 'round here... I love all things vintage especially old pieces of neglected furniture but like a little modern twist, a clean crisp pallette and not too much clutter.
I scour the beach suburbs where I live for one-off vintage furniture and make it over with a distinctive whitewash that unites that old beach house ambiance with a fresh new feel. I'd love to hear from you, leave a comment or send me an email
I also luv your way with words..I could read your writing all day.Gina
Looks amazing as usual. Everything is so fresh over here at your blog :) Katrina
I just love poking around your beach cottage. I always feel at home here.
And I am a proud followerLeigh
..always inspired by you. Always expect something new and exciting! Thanks so much for allowing us to go on this journey with you...I am enjoying it SO much! - Kennesha
I adore everything you do. You just have a way......
Thanks for allowing me into your home everyday.
I love love love your house! Your photos are really inspiring to me as I'm on a tight budget too, and just need to cover everything in white paint which I've been meaning to do Keep showing us more of the same pretty please :)Jen
As usual, your room is a breath of fresh air and makes me want to throw away all of my stuff. Lovely! Lori
Your house is so gorgeous. Who needs decor mags when we can just come here? Emily
Your site is an inspiration to me and as I am doing my house over on a budget, every visit is a joy, thank you so much. Sue